Has anyone here ever experienced issues

Has anyone here ever experienced issues with accessing a wrangler dev --experimental-local instance on a local network ip?
9 Replies
MrBBot•14mo ago
Are you seeing an error including kj::restrictPeers or something? I think this should be fixed in the next release. 🤞
ItsWendell•14mo ago
No not getting any errors, on MacOS -> iPhone we just can't connect through the local network, with --local we can, we also tried setting --ip to the network IP with no avail
MrBBot•14mo ago
Oh sorry, I misunderstood your issue. Just tried this with npx wrangler@3 dev and I was able to connect from a different network device. 😕 Could you try upgrade Wrangler and remove --experimental-local? This now uses Miniflare 3 by default.
ItsWendell•14mo ago
@mrbbot still the same issue at latest wrangler, we can connect fine to Expo's dev server over the network but connections time out to the ports related to our workers 🤔
MrBBot•13mo ago
Hmmm ok, will have to think about this some more. Could you open a GitHub issue to track this?
ItsWendell•13mo ago
I'll try to do it within the next day or two, currently on holiday. Worth noting is that we've only experienced this on MacOS, we've tried adding workerd to the firewall to allow incoming connections and disabling MacOS firewall all together. We've also tried different port ranges (3000) for example, which do work for e.g. an Next.js dev server or Expo dev server but not for wrangled dev / workerd. What would be the right place to report this? Workers SDK, Miniflare or Workerd repository?
MrBBot•13mo ago
Probably Workers SDK, thanks 🙂
michmich•5mo ago
Hey, I know it's an old thread bu did you manage to solve this? I am facing the exact same issue on MacOS and tried disabling firewall...
ItsWendell•5mo ago
Hey I think at some point this just worked again and I don't think we did anything in particular to make it work, we also temporarily just created tunnels with Cloudflare Tunnels when needed if I remember correctly!