Unable to overwrite Octopus ADXL config

Hey all, I'm currently having problem getting the ADXL on my Pi running. Wiring is good, works on another printer without RatOS flawlessly. It seems like I cannot overwrite the Octopus ADXL config since the config shown in the picture results in an "Unknown spi_bus 'spi3'" error. Changing the name of the ADXL for example to "adxl345 rpi" results in an "invalid adxl345 id" error. Anybody an idea?
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8 Replies
blacksmithforlife•13mo ago
why don't you include the raspberry pi adxl definition RatOS/sensors/rpi-adxl345.cfg ?
Gizzle•13mo ago
Same problem with the ID error
blacksmithforlife•13mo ago
upload your printer.cfg please
Gizzle•13mo ago
blacksmithforlife•13mo ago
line 28 should be with the toolboard definitions (starting at line 270) on line 28 add [include RatOS/boards/rpi/config.cfg] In the toolboard section add
# To use the toolboard's ADXL345 for testing X and an ADXL345 connected to the RPi for test Y uncomment the following
[include RatOS/toolboard/input-shaper-xy.cfg]
# To use the toolboard's ADXL345 for testing X and an ADXL345 connected to the RPi for test Y uncomment the following
[include RatOS/toolboard/input-shaper-xy.cfg]
miklschmidt•13mo ago
I'm confused.. You have an ebb36 connected, why are you not using the ADXL on that?
Gizzle•13mo ago
Not happy with the noise I'm not using the toolboard config from ratos, it's my own since I'm using CAN tbf, that one did not work either 😄
mwj-speedtwin•9mo ago