EVA3.0 Heating Issues

I currently have a Rapido UHF installed on the EBB48 1.2 but I cannot heat the hotend. Klipper shuts down and tells me that my toolhead’s temperatures are negative. The area also smells like burning plastic but I cant figure out where it’s coming from.
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6 Replies
fair-rose13mo ago
This is my electronics panel right now.
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conscious-sapphire13mo ago
Can you post your printer.cfg
fair-rose13mo ago
Got to resolve this. I was advised to declare the sensor to PT1000 on my printer.cfg but my ADC is out of range again? It was working a few hours ago.
conscious-sapphire13mo ago
Please can you post your config file? It’s easier to help
deep-jade13mo ago
printer.cfg would help. Do you have your pull up resistor value set? also not seeing a jumper on the toolboards PT1000 pins
fair-rose13mo ago
Fixed the problem. Thanks!
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