Database Recommedation

To put simply I have familiarized my self with Nextjs, Typescript, Tailwind and Vercel. I am now ready to get into Prisma but I am having trouble choosing a DB. I use to use MongoDB a lot, but I believe I was heavily limiting my self since it is a non-relational Database system. Now that I have clients and my business is growing slowly I would like to use one I can scale well with. What would you guys recommend me?
4 Replies
deffemttg13mo ago
I think that PlanetScale+Prisma is the perfect beginner friendly combo to get you started with relational databases
Hitori13mo ago
Ok i'll look intoo it right now was considering CockroachDB so far
iukea13mo ago
Railway if you are on the cheap
Josh13mo ago
I second the planetscale recommendation. It's very easy to use and I've been super happy with it so far. I've also heard good things ab supabase from some peers