Save config error when setting position endstop offset

I am using the ratos voron 2.4 config. When setting end stop offset with both the z end stop and a klicky probe, I get the following error : SAVE_CONFIG section 'stepper_z' option 'position_endstop' conflicts with included value.
22 Replies
miklschmidt13mo ago
I'm not sure what you're trying to do here exactly. You can't both use a probe and an endstop for homing Z. Its either or. If you use an endstop, you need to adjust position_endstop to where your nozzle touches the bed.
miklschmidt13mo ago
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miklschmidt13mo ago
That is done via Z_ENDSTOP_CALIBRATE btw. Also you should adjust
variable_safe_home_x: "middle"
# Possible Values: 'middle' or an absolute y coordinate
variable_safe_home_y: "middle"
variable_safe_home_x: "middle"
# Possible Values: 'middle' or an absolute y coordinate
variable_safe_home_y: "middle"
to be the coordinates of your endstop switch
eager-peach13mo ago
I think this might be a fundamental misunderstanding on my part. I was under the impression that the z endstop was for nozzle offset and probe would be for qpl + meshing.
miklschmidt13mo ago
Yeah you can do that, but you'd need to calibrate your offset with Z_ENDSTOP_CALIBRATE I'm not sure if PROBE_CALIBRATE works while using a z_endstop. That's a klipper thing, not a RatOS thing.
eager-peach13mo ago
I end up getting this. Not really sure what to do with it
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miklschmidt13mo ago
eager-peach13mo ago
miklschmidt13mo ago
You're supposed to use the the buttons to go to Z=0 (ie, where the nozzle touches the bed) paper test
eager-peach13mo ago
I end up getting Manual probe failed! Use TESTZ commands to position the nozzle prior to running ACCEPT.
miklschmidt13mo ago
Did you click the buttons before hitting accept? You're supposed to do a paper test, and click the buttons until the nozzle touches the paper and theres a minimum of friction when you pull on the paper
eager-peach13mo ago
Igore that 🙂 SAVE_CONFIG section 'stepper_z' option 'position_endstop' conflicts with included value
miklschmidt13mo ago
🤷‍♂️ i don't know what the problem is. You can subtract the value manually from position_endstop of line 353 @heisenberg19x can you help here? @heisenberg19x i'm assuming you can't have
position_endstop: -0.10
position_endstop: -0.10
in an included file, for some reason. It's stupid as it'll just override it. @.spotigus Instead of the z-endstop include on line 131, replace it with this:
endstop_pin: z_endstop_pin
position_min: -1.5
homing_speed: 10
second_homing_speed: 3.0
homing_retract_dist: 3.0
endstop_pin: z_endstop_pin
position_min: -1.5
homing_speed: 10
second_homing_speed: 3.0
homing_retract_dist: 3.0
And try again.
sunny-green13mo ago
🤷 the endstop includes where changes with RatOS 2 merge iirc, I just use the Probe as Z Endstop like a RR
eager-peach13mo ago
gotcha, no auto z offset then? @miklschmidt I ended up just using probe only. I want to get the printer working. Im gonna revisit it later.
miklschmidt13mo ago
Not the z one Can't use the probe for Z when its a clicky, z has to be homed before it can be picked up on a V2.4 How? Oh wait is the klicky dock attached to the gantry?
sunny-green13mo ago
I have it with Klicky running like that Yes
miklschmidt13mo ago
aaaah Yeah then the z endstop is only useful for nozzle offset calibration which would only be when you change nozzle or bed surface
eager-peach13mo ago
Exactly, i have on occasion forgot to do that after changing a nozzle.
miklschmidt13mo ago
You should be able to get it working if you replace the z-endstop include. @heisenberg19x we can remove the position_endstop from that include and put it in the template, then it should be fine.
sunny-green13mo ago
eager-peach13mo ago
Let me know if you need me to test anything.