How to handle private assets with Cloudflare Pages & GitHub?

I'm making a website that uses licensed fonts that I obviously can't distribute, but I want the rest of my site to be open source (I'm using a GitHub repository). I have the folder with the fonts in my .gitignore, but the fonts need to get to Cloudflare somehow. I currently have Cloudflare set to deploy my site from the GitHub repo, but I can't upload the fonts to GitHub, so how should I deploy my site instead?
4 Replies
Cyb3r-Jak313mo ago
The only way I could think of is downloading the fonts as a part of the Pages CI process
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Unknown User13mo ago
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Matthew Lyon
Matthew Lyon13mo ago
I'm looking into the same thing; I currently have the fonts I'm using and other assets I don't want distributed in a separate private repo decarled as a dependency via git+ssh and this has worked for deploying from a manual build, but I'd like to have Pages handle this for me if possible. The problem is that there doesn't seem to be a way to use a deploy key to enable the build process to access that private repo referenced in my build process
Matthew Lyon
Matthew Lyon13mo ago
Cloudflare Community
Not possible to use Pages if project using ssh git deps
Problem is: in cloud env I need to run few commands to verify github ssh key and add my private key to keychain. This is what Im doing in AWS Amplify: ssh-keyscan -Ht rsa > ~/.ssh/known_hosts eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" ssh-add <(echo "$DEPLOYMENT_KEY" | base64 -d) yarn install Other option is to replace all git links with https git co...