Fetch ephemeral message

Is it possible to store the id of a message and then fetch it later on in order to delete it? I was able to delete the message if i store the promise<message> but otherwise I couldn’t find a way to delete an ephemeral message
16 Replies
d.js toolkit
d.js toolkit13mo ago
• What's your exact discord.js npm list discord.js and node node -v version? • Post the full error stack trace, not just the top part! • Show your code! • Explain what exactly your issue is. • Not a discord.js issue? Check out #useful-servers.
d.js docs
d.js docs13mo ago
method CommandInteraction#deleteReply() Deletes a reply to this interaction.
GMS13mo ago
Do I need to save the “message” object in order to do it? Because I try to avoid storing it I understand, thank you very much, if you have any example to supply me it would be wonderful , I didn’t mess with thewe hook just yet
GMS13mo ago
GMS13mo ago
is it possible to send ephemeral in webhook?
GMS13mo ago
here im trying to delete the message that i have saved
GMS13mo ago
GMS13mo ago
how can I do that? I know at the first time the message would be null, I want to delete it at the second time so i can switch between the messages that is what I am trying to implement webhookClient.send( { content:'example',flags: MessageFlags.FLAGS.EPHEMERAL}) like this? But the problem also he cant know who to send it to
GMS13mo ago
I tried so many different ways, cant get it done unfortunately, This is what i got now:
GMS13mo ago
GMS13mo ago
Thank you very much!, its working!! , can you explain me a little bit about it? more info about '@original' and info about the advantages of creating a webhook for each channel instead of simply replaying to interactions In addition, what is more efficient, saving the token of a message and deleting it using a webhook compared to saving the Message.id and then deleting it afterwards
GMS13mo ago
Because if Im saving an id of a message I need to iterate and fetch a message that sent in the channel for example:
GMS13mo ago
Thank you very much! it clarify everything!
GMS13mo ago
again, I am having trouble deleting the last message, what is the problem over here?
GMS13mo ago
GMS13mo ago
if you can have a look it will be wonderful I am so sorry, my bad, I successfully stored the id of the message, in fact I am replaying for MenuUserSelection, what I am attempting to do is to edit the embed message in order to show the members that the user have been chosen , when I try to edit the message when interaction is created the error is that it can’t find a message The same message that contains the components and the embeds Ohhh, thank you! Thank you so much