GEON13mo ago

Apollo H87 PCB

I had done all of the metal tweezer checks before building and the board was fully functional. I proceeded with building the keyboard and everything went normally. I installed QMK and VIA to flash software and change rgb. Later that same day I was playing Destiny 2 with my friends and the keyboard started sending tons of random inputs and died seconds later. Flashing new software did not prove to be an effective solution. Since the incident VIA no longer identifies the pcb. I tried following a troubleshooting guide to no avail. The reset button did not bring it back to life. I played around with a multimeter to test where it failed. The motherboards and daughterboard were receiving power, but the switch ports were not receiving power. Did I do something to kill the board or was it possibly defective? I was planning on ordering a new pcb soon, but I got told to stop by here just incase.
34 Replies
Pooh13mo ago
@Gondolindrim Can you help with this?
Gondolindrim13mo ago
I don't understand what you men by "the switch ports were not receiving power" In any case, this does seem like some sort of hardware failure, how did you troubleshoot and conclude that motherboard and DB were receiving power? Especially because at the factory setting Apollo does not use an USB daughterboard
wourder.13mo ago
I was troubleshooting with a multimeter to see where it failed and switches were not recieving power, unless they arent supposed to. There were 2 locations labeled __ daughterboard but i wasnt aware they were not used. Just means that i confirmed the pcb was dead and i shouldnt waste any more time trying to flash new software
Gondolindrim13mo ago
Switches are not supposed to receive power no They are supposed to receive a pulsating signal which you won't be able to see on a multimeter
wourder.12mo ago
Okay i am finally back home and can hopefully address this issue, my board is not functional after the first hour of use. Is there an exchange opportunity and for what possible reason could it have stopped working during active use. If i cannot get an answer here, i will followed up the email that referred me here and look for answers. On another note i am unsure how this is marked as solved, i have a dead pcb and no answers as to what
Gondolindrim12mo ago
Myself I am not involved with the GEON store, I am the PCB designer and I offer technical support If you want we can schedule a video call and try to troubleshoot it, and I will be happy to offer whatever support I can It is however interesting that the PCB can be flashed yet does not work after flashing This means the PCB is somehow alive If you would like a return or refund I cannot help you as, then again, I am not involved with the store. The store email is the official channel for this — maybe @Pooh is better equipped to help you
wourder.12mo ago
i can follow up the email then, thanks for the response
Gondolindrim12mo ago
I must also note that your question was responded to and I did await your anwer, yet you only replied almost two weeks later Hence why the question was probably automatically marked as resolved
wourder.12mo ago
ok i will explain the block i am currently at and am unsure how to resolve. QMK lists the firmware as corrupt and it forces the STM32 DFU device into bootloader. Every attempt to flash new firmware whether that be utilizing the reset button or using a couple tweezers to send multiple keyboard inputs before plugging in to try and force it to accept a new flash is not giving any results. Am i missing a step or potentially testing incorrectly?
Gondolindrim12mo ago
You are testing incorrectly You should not send "multiple keyboard inputs" before plugging in. The only key that could work is Escape. A priori the right way to do this is using the reset button, pressing it for 5s or more The question is, are you able to flash firmware? Does QMK Toolbox show a "downloading" message with a progress bar up to 100%? Send me a screenshot if possible Also, what firmware file are you using?
wourder.12mo ago
firmware bin provided by via
wourder.12mo ago
attempted reset method mentioned and it is still stuck in dfu
Gondolindrim12mo ago
Wrong firmware That's the revision Gamma firmware. Different MCU, hence why the PCB can't boot Check the latest one in #apollo87h-project
wourder.12mo ago
i tried the bin in #apollo87h-project and tried creating a new bin in qmk configurator. both shoot the same errors anything else i should know while doing this?
Gondolindrim12mo ago
What do you mean you tried creating a new bin? What errors do they shoot? I thought the PCB was not working
wourder.12mo ago
keeps saying corrupt, any attempt to reset is not working
Gondolindrim12mo ago
Ignore that Does it show 100% flashed?
wourder.12mo ago
yes download 100% flash complete
wourder.12mo ago
Gondolindrim12mo ago
Ok awesome this means flashing is successful Now you need to clear EEPROM Now is the time to enter DFU through ESC Hold escape and plug the PCB, hold it for 10s PCB should enter DFU
wourder.12mo ago
now i have already tried this and have been unable to access the clear EEPROM button, if it is noteworthy to post again it says Device's firmware is corrupt. It cannot return to run-time (non-DFU) operations and from what ive been seeing, i am stuck in DFU/bootloader mode
Gondolindrim12mo ago
The EEPROM button is not supposed to work Try holding the ESC key like I wrote
wourder.12mo ago
i did
wourder.12mo ago
i repeatedly get this response and nothing more
Gondolindrim12mo ago
Interesting I can jump in a video call with you and troubleshoot live I want to see this If you are available Also, as I said before, this can be disregarded This is a problem with the dfu-util utility
wourder.12mo ago
i am avaliable
Gondolindrim12mo ago
Sorry I didn't mean now, it's 1AM for me Can we do this tomorrow or wednesday?
wourder.12mo ago
i will likely be around, if needed i can clear my schedule so yes that works
Gondolindrim12mo ago
I'll be available tomorrow in about 10-11h from now
wourder.12mo ago
Its a bit early in the morning for me but i can make it work if thats the most convenient time scheduling
Gondolindrim12mo ago
I can do later too! That will be my afternoon
wourder.12mo ago
does today work?
Gondolindrim12mo ago
Yessir I'll be avail in half an hour or so
wourder.12mo ago
let me know when New board came in and everything is working perfectly, thanks guys froggyHeart