Nested Navbar on Character Sheet

Thanks to @mxzf I was able to get a nested navbar to show, but none of the data is being displayed that should be. I am not sure where I am tripping up. This is what the sheet looks:
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Leo The League Lion•350d ago
@acekokuren gave vote LeaguePoints™ to @mxzf (#327 • 1)
AceKokuren 🌈[UTC+1]•350d ago
The html for the basic tab is:
<ol class="items-list">
<ol class="items-list">
I have this set up in the nested navbar:
<nav class="nested-sheet-tabs tabs" data-group="secondary">
<a class="item" data-tab="basic">{{localize 'OUTBREAK.Skills.Basic.value'}}</a>
<a class="item" data-tab="trained">{{localize 'OUTBREAK.Skills.Trained.value'}}</a>
<a class="item" data-tab="expert">{{localize 'OUTBREAK.Skills.Expert.value'}}</a>

<div class="skills-list tab" data-tab="basic" data-group="secondary">
{{> "systems/outbreak-undead/templates/actor/parts/skills/basic.html"}}
<nav class="nested-sheet-tabs tabs" data-group="secondary">
<a class="item" data-tab="basic">{{localize 'OUTBREAK.Skills.Basic.value'}}</a>
<a class="item" data-tab="trained">{{localize 'OUTBREAK.Skills.Trained.value'}}</a>
<a class="item" data-tab="expert">{{localize 'OUTBREAK.Skills.Expert.value'}}</a>

<div class="skills-list tab" data-tab="basic" data-group="secondary">
{{> "systems/outbreak-undead/templates/actor/parts/skills/basic.html"}}
And the default options inside character-sheet.js:
static get defaultOptions() {
return mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
classes: ["outbreak", "sheet", "actor"],
template: "systems/outbreak-undead/templates/actor/character-sheet.html",
width: 600,
height: 600,
tabs: [
navSelector: ".sheet-tabs",
contentSelector: ".sheet-body",
initial: "skills"
navSelector: ".nested-sheet-tabs",
contentSelector: ".skills-list",
initial: "basic"
static get defaultOptions() {
return mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
classes: ["outbreak", "sheet", "actor"],
template: "systems/outbreak-undead/templates/actor/character-sheet.html",
width: 600,
height: 600,
tabs: [
navSelector: ".sheet-tabs",
contentSelector: ".sheet-body",
initial: "skills"
navSelector: ".nested-sheet-tabs",
contentSelector: ".skills-list",
initial: "basic"
mxzf•350d ago
I think you need to wrap the tab divs in a section, like <section class="skills-list">, so that it knows what HTML block to replace with the content
AceKokuren 🌈[UTC+1]•350d ago
Hmm, no change. I am not sure if something is mistyped or I'm missing something fundamental I found it I realised what you meant now I am an idiot I put it in every other place except where it was needed
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