
can't hear the sound in my clips

I don't know if i should be hearing this sound in me clips but if im supposed to i don't know what is wrong @everyone Can i get help
halu320d ago
worst case scenario you might be able to try vb-cable im not super proficient with this stuff tho so maybe someone else has better advice might help if you also clarify your set up (obs, etc.)
L A B E320d ago
Yeah, which set up are you using? I'll help you if I can
Ninja_Turtle320d ago
halu320d ago
what software are you recordig with?
Ninja_Turtle320d ago
Xbox game bar why asking?
halu320d ago
in settigs ⚙️ make sure you are recording "All" audio
halu320d ago
if you are on win10, the same option exists but it may be in a different location (im not sure)
Ninja_Turtle320d ago
oh tysm!!
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