


The Discord community for MechaKeys, the integrated typing environment for Windows, macOS, and Linux.



When i want to buy keycaps it just doesnt let me to please help

how can i claim my rewards

i leveled up but idk how to claim keycaps

i link my discord profile to mechakeys and i dont get free 100keycaps

i link my discord profile to mechakeys and i dont get free 100keycaps

How can I unlink my account !

I want to unlink my account bc I'm in a new account

question of the day

would there ever be custum sound packs or nah

How to unlink my account

Help me I want to unlink my account bc I'm in a new account

Unlink request

can someone unlink my discord, i made a new account since i forgot the one ive created thats linked to this discord.


Can i please get 50 keycaps i need that gat red rvrb


Half can I get keycaps cause I did wrong purchase

Keypack Editor

Hello, we're just curious. We currently own a mechanical keyboard, but we also enjoy using mechakeys, but we were wondering, since we have a very good mechanical keyboard with really good sounds, when will it be possible for us to use the keypack editor, or create our own soundpacks and post it.

cant access server chats

im linked but i can't access server chats, at least is what i think because i can't see barely anything

I have a problem find the link

Idk Where too find the email either the link

i dont get keystrokes anymore anyone help me please

im trying everything like refreshing the app but i just dont get any keystrokesπŸ˜₯

Can't link my account

When I link my username in #link-your-account I dont get an email


I logged out of my account by mistake and I want to reactivate it, but I forgot my name, but I remember everything, such as the password and email.
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