


The Discord community for MechaKeys, the integrated typing environment for Windows, macOS, and Linux.


robo bot when i link discord account it said account not found

pls i want new keyboard sound just enough keycaps when i link my discord account

performance mode idea

an option accessible only threw the taskbar ui that disables keylogging, diagnostic logging, opening the app and anything but keypresses/mouseclicks and maybe be able to change volume with the taskbar ui would be nice with this

can i earn some keycaps if im in top 4 weekly leaderborad?

I really really want omniponit a but it cost 1000kc and i have 230kc only :((((


How do I make people hear the sound of the program?

cant link

help i spelled everything right with my username but it says that it dosent excist or its spelled wrong

How do i change my email

I see no option to change email in the app and its also my old email

khanada kb sound

what keyboard sound sounds like the keyboard khanada is using the most

I keep getting mouse sounds, even though I'm not clicking (and the counter goes up)

From what I tested, it's NOT a hardware issue. I tried many different mouse testers and none recognized any mouse clicks. Is this happening to anyone else?

Mechakeys v2 wont open and update!

I was trying to do smth with my old lap and the app wont even let me update. I was only able to log in, PLZ HELP ME!!!

It wont work while I start Fortnite!

I tried every other game like minecraft, warzone etc but I think its of the easy anti-cheat that fortnite has. I have seen other ppl using it in fortnite so idk what is happening! ( I tried the administrator Run too. )

How can I make my friends infldscord hear the sound

How can I make my friends in dscord hear the sound

I bought the 12k keycaps bundle but didnt recieve my keycaps...

Hey! I bought the 12k keycaps bundle but i didn't recieve my keycaps, and i got charged 10 $USD. Is there any way i can get my keycaps?

I cant link my account even tho its the right username

My username in mechakeys is KIOMI and I tried linking it through that user name but it says its not correct it even says thats the username in registration email.

how can i unlink my mechakeys accoun from dc

i change account on mechakeys and need chage it on dc