React.FC equivalent for RSC

Is there a "React.FC" equivalent for React Server Components?
Neto330d ago
by default every react components is a server component React.FC is for the sake of typescript
petdomaa100330d ago
yes, that's what I'm looking for so that I accidentally don't return something that's not jsx in a server component
Neto330d ago
Just using FC is enough As long you don't need something that would happen only on client, like state or window related It's fine to return in a server component
petdomaa100330d ago
const ExampleRSC: React.FC = async () => {};
const ExampleRSC: React.FC = async () => {};
That's what I did originally, but I get this type error: Type '() => Promise<void>' is not assignable to type 'FC<{}>' It doesn't accept it if it return value is a promise
Neto330d ago
It's fixed on the new typescript release Next does accept But typescript complains
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