Tap-Mod mappings not working for FM60 PCB?

Hey all, I recently built my Frog Mini (hotswap PCB) and was looking to configure some keys as tap-mods (e.g. right mods + right shift to function as an arrow key cluster on tap, and mods on hold). In VIA, I can custom set these keys with MT(MOD_name, KC) — and this has worked on other boards perfectly, i.e. my Tofu60 2.0 — however on my Frog Mini, the tap key only registers after I tap twice in quick succession. E.g. a tap of the key does nothing, a second quick tap properly triggers the arrow key. Any idea what the issue might be here? I'm using the exact same mapping for another board and it works fine... could it be something to do with the FM60 firmware? Is there another mapping I should try? Thanks!
6 Replies
Gondolindrim13mo ago
Might have something to do with the fact that the FM60 firmware is rather recent, at least much more recent that your TOFU one We can try an even newer version of the firmware and see how a modernized version reacts
Oddly enough, the issue seemed to fix itself after a couple hours, with no changes in VIA 🤷‍♂️ Maybe it was a weird compatibility issue initially with my Mac, not sure. But I guess I’m good! Thanks for the reply
Gondolindrim13mo ago
More info: it seems to happen again after my computer (MBP, Ventura 13.4) sleeps and I wake it up. If I then unplug my Frog and plug it back in, issue resolves... 🤷 a minor inconvenience I can live with, but really odd lol
Gondolindrim13mo ago
Honestly no one has been able to figure it out From what I can see in the QMK issues page, there were one or two similar reports But this is most definitely a firmware issue with QMK I honestly was not able to replicate your issue Maybe we can work together on it, but it will demand time and patience from you To be brutally honest, if unplug-replug does the job, then it would seem nonsensical to invest time and effort into it
Oh for sure, like I said it’s only a minor inconvenience and isn’t by any means an “all the time” issue. I at least know roughly when it happens, and how to quickly fix, so good enough for me 👍 Just wanted to share the info I had in case it was helpful!