Which content creator offers the best material to learn Nextjs?

I know and have a bit of experience with React and would like to learn Nextjs solidly.
6 Replies
bedesqui12mo ago
https://www.youtube.com/@joshtriedcoding has some amazing videos on Next and Theo's T3 stack tutorial can get you from 0 to production ready in a few hours https://youtu.be/YkOSUVzOAA4
Josh tried coding
Hi. I'm Josh and my goal is to have fun creating stuff and sharing that here on youtube. It's nice to have you here!
Theo - t3․gg
T3 Stack Tutorial - FROM 0 TO PROD FOR $0 (Next.js, tRPC, TypeScrip...
I've never worked this hard on a video before. I really hope y'all can benefit from this 🙏 GITHUB REPO https://github.com/t3dotgg/chirp DEPLOYED APP https://xn--uo8h.t3.gg/ GET A JACKET IF YOU'RE COOL LIKE THAT https://shop.t3.gg/ ALL MY VIDEOS ARE POSTED EARLY ON PATREON https://www.patreon.com/t3dotgg Everything else (Twitch, Twitter, Discor...
Alefe Bispo - BRT
Thank you!
pandeyman12mo ago
While videos are a great learning resource, nothing beats the feeling that you get when you solve problems and learn while making something on your own, just start making a project while following the next.js docs and google your way to success!
Alefe Bispo - BRT
This is what i want to do. I already have a app build with react and i want to pass it to Next. Thanks for the advice
Huperniketes12mo ago
They're fine for learning Next in a specific model: pages vs appdir, but their coverage on using trpc is lacking.
Grey12mo ago
I mean ahead of the basics, trpc is basically just........ calling functions. other than that the docs cover their lifecycle and how to setup other stuff like middleware etc. pretty well
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