Install Klipper

Im have Vcorr3.1 and runnijg a Pi4 with Octopus v1.1. This is my first time building and setting up a printer so bit of a newb... Do i have to install something on my octopus before running the RatOS wizard? I was under the impression that after I make the firmware.bin for the octopus through tge wizard, I would just flash my mainboard with the SD card containing this file. However, after I insert the SD card, reset the Pi and restart the motherboard I try to continue in the wizard and get the message in the image. Where did I go wrong? πŸ˜…
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4 Replies
stormy-goldβ€’13mo ago
@miklschmidt πŸ‘ quick response! I'll try reflashing etc tonight. The command prompts you wrote in your 2nd reply is that through the windows cmd?
miklschmidtβ€’13mo ago
No need to reflash just run the commands and it should work after a few minutes πŸ™‚ And yes just run it through the windows cmd default password is raspberry
stormy-goldβ€’13mo ago
It worked πŸ™‚ i did reflashed anyway just cause then I would know i didnt make a mistake last time. Waited 20 mins and everything fired up πŸ™‚ Thanks again!