Is selecting BSD instead of CPA a mistake?

I've recieved the offer letter from Seneca for winter intake for the BSD program. I've got a few questions... If I don't mind the extra 1 year of useless filler business courses, is BSD still the lesser appropriate choice?
I've also heard that I could have an advanced diploma, 2 co-op terms and a bsc degree from a solid university if I choose the CPA program. Does this mean that BSD doesn't have any pathway options? Could I transfer to a solid university if I have already chosen BSD? If so, how? (and is that recommend?) Do you need to complete all 4 years of college and then get into the university or you get transferred after a certain semester? Also, the reason I chose BSD instead of CPA is because I thought that a bachelor's degree would look better under an academic lens than an advanced diploma. Is this true tho? (All the deductions stated above are on the basis of what I've heard from different sources)
6 Replies
MKNF12mo ago
As far as I know, you can't transfer to any Uni until you finish your program. If you want to get into a BSc faster, doing CPA and using one of the transfers to either OTech or Trent would be better. You could also probably still transfer to the same pathways as CPA if you decided to do BSD. One way to find out would be to email the universities listed in the pathways and ask if you'd be eligible to transfer. A degree would definitely open more jobs for you, but in the end it still depends on how much time and effort you put into personal projects and such.
Rust12mo ago
I can only see a diploma to degree option
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Rust12mo ago
I'm looking for the BSD pathways, I couldn't find anything related to that on the website. In this diploma to degree option, I saw almost every University listed there. Is there a particular reason why you're recommending OTech and Trent?
MKNF12mo ago
BSD doesn't seem to have pathways listed since it's a bachelor's degree. That's why you should email the Uni's listed in the CPA pathways, and ask them about eligibility with BSD. And the reason I recommend OTech and Trent is that they're the closest Universities that offer a BSc pathway. If you want to go to a Uni like Ryerson or York, they'll assess the high school credits first before giving you an offer and transfer credits. I'm not sure about the process if you're a mature student, but that's the information I got when I emailed Ryerson.
Rust12mo ago
Thanks a lot for all the info
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