I m getting really slow download speeds

I'm getting really slow download speeds from R2 directly from the s3 endpoint. It's taking 2000ms to pull 2 1kb parquet files, which should be like 50ms. Is there anything I can check? For example testing with minio I get them in 50ms.
3 Replies
DanTheGoodman12mo ago
sometimes it times out after 10s as well writing a 1kb file also takes about 1s
Gytis12mo ago
maybe hosted region is far away?
DanTheGoodman12mo ago
I have it in in NA east, that's where I am too ENAM was the location hint, and I am in Delaware idk if there is a way I can confirm it's there df681cd207a9e2afa394d260c486fd1e subdomain for endpoint for any devs, bucket is icedb well I guess that's also my account id haha
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