Unable to update, Git not found?

Unable to update
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5 Replies
blacksmithforlife•12mo ago
Is your pi connected to the internet?
foreign-sapphire•12mo ago
well it was.. 🙂 just rebooting router.. Strange, nothing has changed, router rebooted and still doesn't want to talk to the outside world. Nothing being blocked on the router. If I ssh into the pi, anything I can check? We did have a power cut during a print. If the microsd card in the po was corrupted surely it wouldn't boot? I haven't changed anything in my network btw
blacksmithforlife•12mo ago
if you ssh in, can you ping github.com?
Mietzekatzi•12mo ago
Is the time set correctly? SSL certificate check will fail, if the Pi has the wrong time.
Rigattoni•12mo ago
Also check the time zone and the WiFi country settings.