Wasp-lang•13mo ago

Google Auth callback URL gets called twice

Hey, after picking up a Google account and getting back from the consent screen the callback is fired twice for some reason. Haven't seen anything like this before, is this an issue on my side, or Wasp user's code cant affect the login process?
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9 Replies
maksym36ua•13mo ago
My .wasp file
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maksym36ua•13mo ago
Login page
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maksym36ua•13mo ago
and auth google.ts config
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miho•13mo ago
Stack Overflow
React 18 strict mode causing component to render twice
The changes to strict-mode in React version 18 causes my code to render twice, which causes an error in axios abort controller, but I don't know how to clear the error from the browser console afte...
miho•13mo ago
Are you using the canary version?
maksym36ua•13mo ago
Yep Note, this only happens in Strict + development mode. In a production build, effects will only be called once and when their dependencies change. -- indeed, after I've deployed the app to Fly it works fine (because it's not in dev mode anymore)
MEE6•13mo ago
Wohooo @maksym36ua, you just became a Waspeteer level 25!
miho•13mo ago
It's something we should look into and fix if it's fixable 🙂 good catch Maks
martinsos•13mo ago
This is due to React's StrictMode, yes! @miho shoudl we open an issue for it? We can probalby handle it by modifying our components?