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schema errors how to solve

I am getting the below error while running wasp db migrate-dev command , please help me solve it. I have also attached my main.wasp and schema.prism file....
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payment tiered access control middleware

Hi, I know wasp integrated with stripe, and defined 3 tiers, how can I add an access control? like hobby can upload 5 times, read 20 times, pro can upload 20 times, read unlimited, enterprise everything unlimited, like I was thiking of add a middleware to my specific api, but will the middleware has to be global? or do you have have any solution for this type of feature? Thank you. @miho @sodic...

Does Wasp support other LLMs such as Claude or open-source models from Hugging face?

Hi everyone, I recently came across this project and was very intrigued. Props to the team for their work on this! Before getting started with wasp, I wanted to check if it has the flexibility to support any LLMs. If not, I would be interested in integrating a chatbot I created using FlowiseAI and was wondering if that is possible as well.
LDLouis Deconinck5/3/2024

checkStripePortalLInkExists in shared/constants.ts

I'm using OpenSaas with with wasp 0.13.2 and WSL2. The documentation (https://docs.opensaas.sh/guides/stripe-integration/) says to add this code to the src/shared/constants.ts file: ```javascript const customerPortalTestUrl = 'https//billing.stripe.com/p/login/test_...' const customerPortalProdUrl = undefined...

[Authentification] NetworkError when singin on a fresh install

Hello , I have an authentification NetworkError when I try to signin on a first use of the app. I wanted to explore the user/admin dashboard to see how it works but I don't have a clue why is generating this error. Also I don't know if there's a username:password for a dummy account I can use. Note: I'm suspecting the connexion with that database is generating this problem but I read in the .env file it's not mandatory to add the postgres url if running wasp start db...

Can someone help me in making chat application using wasp

Hey I was trying to make random chat app to learn more about mern, but now i am clueless. Can someone please help me

Having multiple generator in schema.prisma

Hello, Currently if I add my entities in main.wasp then the generated schema.prisma has generator in it which has js as provider. I am working on a project which has both wasp and python in it. And I would like to access db from both wasp code and python code. My plan is to define all the entities/tables needed by both python and wasp in the main.wasp file. Wasp will take care of generating client for node....

Direct to a defined page after successful login

Hello I have the standard LoginPage, as given in the ToDo App tutorial (see picture). I now would like to implement that the user get's to the /board Page, when successfully logged in. Can anybody tell me how I can do that or where I could find a good solution? ...
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LDLouis Deconinck5/2/2024

Remove email login

Is it possible to only rely on OAuth and disable email login when using OpenSaas? When I comment out the email method (with verification and reset), I get a build error. Wasp 0.13.2 WSL2...

How to use Env variables in main.wasp?

I want to set the email authentication fromField.name to process.env.FROM_NAME and fromField.email to process.env.FROM_EMAIL...

can not find "wasp/server/_types" module or declaration

any suggestion? this error won't effect dev, but I can't have the right type with action's params args, context.
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RBRicardo Batista4/30/2024

Disable email login

If I only want Google signup, is there a way to remove the email login? I tried commenting ``` email: { fromField: { name: "Meeting Reminders",...

Do I have a way to use useLazyQuery ?

My app filters some data. I need to be able to refetch whenever the user clicks on "search" with the new filters. I also don't need to fetch when the form is not dirty. I tried this :...
RBRicardo Batista4/29/2024

Where to see migration files?

I have messed up one migration (because I had to delete my local code), and now I don't know where to access the migration files. They are generated at build time, and stored on .wasp, but where are they coming from? I need to regenerate the previous files (I can access the previous migrations by the current server code).

File upload size limit

I'm trying to implement max file upload size to the s3 bucket. I've handled the front-end but I worry that more advanced users could bypass this and spam my s3 bucket. Here is what I've been trying on the backend (just added the conditions) but it still uploads files greater than MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE (1 * 1024 * 1024): ```...


is there a sample bypass to login the auth while in development
DEDiego Escudero4/29/2024

Quick Start not working?

I'm following this tutorial: https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/quick-start After opening my terminal and running curl -sSL https://get.wasp-lang.dev/installer.sh | sh I get the warning in the image. Any solution? Thanks...
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I cant see ubunbtu on my Linux sub system folder

I just started with this programming stuff and i wanted to try my app with this new ai called magegpt. I think i have .wasp (beta) and im on a Windows 10 OS where I installed the Linux subsystem. Ive followed the step by step guide till in the image i added, but when i go to my Linux folder there is nothing even though i installed unbuntu it isnt showing it in there. What should i do to fix this?...
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Is it possible to separate client and server wasp build?

each time I update stuff on client, and want to push to netlify, I need to run wasp build, but it rebuild both front and backend, it takes so much time(and sometime I only made change to client code, last second it could successfully build, but now it cannot find DATABASE_URL which is really weird), is it possible to only build front or back? and do we have a solution to integrate CI/CD? like I'm using coolify, let it automatically pull code from github when new code pushes triggered, so it can update automatically. @miho...

fly.io deployment error

I tried to deploy to fly.io, and I set DATABASE_URL, and I tested it can connect successfully with dbms, it still got error saying env not found, how to solve it? Thank you. @miho @martinsos...