Novuβ€’12mo ago

Self hosted novu

Hi I have self hosted novu using docker as per documentation. My ui uses angular framework. Thus i have configured socketUrl => (http://localhost:3002) for local testing on my angular app. But while sending notification to my subscriber the novu app is also receiving the same at port 4200? Along with this, I am getting this react error whenever I click on the notification.
14 Replies
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jainβ€’12mo ago
Hi @cyberjunkie Sorry, I did not understand this part But while sending notification to my subscriber the novu app is also receiving the same at port 4200?
sr-26β€’12mo ago
Hii @Pawan Jain, The novu web is running at port 4200, novu socket service is running at 3001 and the client server is at 4001. Whenever i am triggering a notification, the notification is visible in port 4001 (which is of client and is fine) but also in the notification panel of novu at port 4200.
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jainβ€’12mo ago
yes it will be visible if you are triggering to that subscriber with which you are logged-in in self hosted Novu
sr-26β€’12mo ago
Oh ok , got it.Thanks for clearing it out.Regarding the react error how can i resolve it?
Novu_Botβ€’12mo ago
@cyberjunkie, you just advanced to level 1!
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jainβ€’12mo ago
Please share any public code sandbox url where we can see the code
sr-26β€’12mo ago
sure, I'll share the public sandbox url in some time.
sr-26β€’12mo ago
Hii @Pawan Jain , this is the code which I've used for integration.Exact code is being used in my machine but i am getting warnings attached in previous snapshots. https://github.com/iampearceman/in-app-notification-with-angular
GitHub - iampearceman/in-app-notification-with-angular
Contribute to iampearceman/in-app-notification-with-angular development by creating an account on GitHub.
sr-26β€’12mo ago
Stack Overflow
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sr-26β€’12mo ago
This is occurring in web novu as well.
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jainβ€’12mo ago
@cyberjunkie can you please create a bug on github for this? !bug
sr-26β€’12mo ago
πŸ› Bug Report: Angular Notification Center Β· Issue #3678 Β· novuhq/no...
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Pawan Jain
Pawan Jainβ€’12mo ago
Thanks Sachin πŸ˜€