Novu12mo ago

Notification on workspace level

Hii, I have read the docs of novu.I need to ask a question.Suppose there's a user who is added into 2 workspaces(A & B).In the subscribers feed of novu, the user will have only one subscriber id.Is there any way in which the notification can be delivered on workspace A when the user is logged within workspace A not on workspace B since i suppose in novu a single user is a single subscriber?
9 Replies
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain12mo ago
hi @cyberjunkie Here by workspace do you mean organisation in terms of Novu?
sr-2612mo ago
Hii @Pawan Jain , I'm not familiar with organisation terminology in novu.Let us suppose google is a product under google there is mail, drive many services.So workspace are like services.How can we distinguish notification in such services scenarios such that user is allowed to see only particular notification of a service in which he is logged into.
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain12mo ago
which notification channels you are using? In_app, email, push, chat, sms?
sr-2612mo ago
In app and email For email it's fine, but for in-app can we distinguish it?
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain12mo ago
You can create multiple organisations, Each organisation has separate templates, subscibers and environments
sr-2612mo ago
Can a single user create multiple organisations in novu ? If it can, from where ?
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain12mo ago
You will fins this drop down in left bottom
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain12mo ago
Start writing something here, you will get add new option
sr-2612mo ago
Got it, thanks @Pawan Jain for the help and support.