I need a front-end DEV to help me finish my website. Please DM
7 Replies
vince12mo ago
Post it here, if anyone is able to help they can assist you. I don't think we allow collaboration in this discord server so if you're looking for someone to do the website for you I don't think we'll be able to help
Jochem12mo ago
what vince said is correct. We can help you with your issue if you post it here (check out #How To Ask Good Questions), but we don't allow recruiting at all
vince12mo ago
Also I couldn't help but be nosy, so I checked your company links. I'm assuming all you need is a landing page and some other static pages, which begs the question "why are you even using react for that?". But maybe I'm wrong
Bitloanscapital12mo ago
My original dev made it like that I just need it finished
vince12mo ago
Why don't you ask your dev to change it then? Maybe I'm being cynical here but generally when I read something like what you just wrote it makes me think you didn't pay your dev and are now trying to find someone else to do free work for you
Azyrum12mo ago
Not only this request but your entire "company" screams scam
Jochem12mo ago
yeah, I'm going to close this thread. You're clearly looking to recruit someone to fix a mess someone else left, and like I said we don't allow recruiting. If you read, share code, and explain the problem like described in there, you can make a new post.
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