where clause in drizzle insert

await db
questionNumber: questionNumber,
userId: session.user.id,
eq(trackingQuestions.questionNumber, questionNumber),
eq(trackingQuestions.userId, session.user.id)
await db
questionNumber: questionNumber,
userId: session.user.id,
eq(trackingQuestions.questionNumber, questionNumber),
eq(trackingQuestions.userId, session.user.id)
can anyone tell why it's giving typescript error and how can i resolve it error: where clause doesn't exists i want to do this query with single query
4 Replies
whatplan12mo ago
i am willing to help if you provide more information: please send the table schema, the typescript error you are getting and where it is showing up, and a explanation of what you are attempting to do with the query
Sylte12mo ago
Instead of this where clause, another possibility could also be a unique index?
pradeep12mo ago
i want do give below thing in one query:- if (condition) then don't insert in table else insert it into table
export const trackingQuestions = mysqlTable("tracking_questions", {
id: int("id").notNull().autoincrement().primaryKey(),
createdAt: timestamp("createdAt").defaultNow(),
questionNumber: int("questionNumber").notNull(),
userId: varchar("userId", { length: 255 }).notNull(),
export const trackingQuestions = mysqlTable("tracking_questions", {
id: int("id").notNull().autoincrement().primaryKey(),
createdAt: timestamp("createdAt").defaultNow(),
questionNumber: int("questionNumber").notNull(),
userId: varchar("userId", { length: 255 }).notNull(),
schema error is saying you cann't add where clause currently i am doing achiving this by
const questions = await db
eq(trackingQuestions.questionNumber, questionNumber),
eq(trackingQuestions.userId, session.user.id)
if (questions.length === 0) {
await db.insert(trackingQuestions).values({
questionNumber: questionNumber,
userId: session.user.id,
const questions = await db
eq(trackingQuestions.questionNumber, questionNumber),
eq(trackingQuestions.userId, session.user.id)
if (questions.length === 0) {
await db.insert(trackingQuestions).values({
questionNumber: questionNumber,
userId: session.user.id,
whatplan12mo ago
oh I see yea I would try to avoid the nested db calls no reason to not seperate the reading data then writing data other than to make things more confusing
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