Wasp-langβ€’12mo ago

Custom favicon.ico

As per this PR (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/pull/1229) I guess path to the custom favicon should be client/public/favicon.ico, correct? @miho PR states that the docs were updated, but I'm unable to find anything related to the favicon itself. Would be nice to point out directly how users can update favicon, I've seen this question a couple times before
Adds support for a client public folder by infomiho Β· Pull Request ...
Fixes #9 If the user created a public folder in the their client folder -> it will get merged with the React app's public folder. This means that users can expose client files at / more easi...
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10 Replies
Feconyβ€’12mo ago
It looks like by default wasp is using public/favicon.ico path? πŸ€”
maksym36uaβ€’12mo ago
PR states that If the user created a public folder in the their client folder..., that's why I'm not so sure 😁
mihoβ€’12mo ago
"Docs were updated" means the docs were updated in that PR This is still in the main branch and not released (which means the docs are not updated as well)
mihoβ€’12mo ago
@martinsos will be doing an RC build today with the change, you can install that if you eager to get it now πŸ˜„ otherwise it will be released next week
maksym36uaβ€’12mo ago
Oh, indeed, thanks! Totally forgot about the main branch thing πŸ˜„ I'll check out RC
martinsosβ€’12mo ago
^ @maksym36ua trying to get to the latest Wasp features
maksym36uaβ€’12mo ago
Feconyβ€’12mo ago
@maksym36ua Trying to use something just planned in wasp teams head