twitch stream help

Hello. I'm new to this whole streaming world. My followers are all old as I took a break from streaming for a year. Now I'm back and wanna get into it. Maybe a full time job in due time. Does anybody have any tips? I have all the equipment as in 2 cams, 3 pcs, 2 capture cards, yeti mic, hyper x mic, 3 mics in all, green screen if I use it. I'm all set and I have quite a following on Twitter 39 followers all in last month, 180 on tik tok, 6 on YouTube, and 81 on twitch. Does anybody have any tips on streaming or advice or anything really. Thankyou would be quite helpful. Also have editing programs for my videos.
4 Replies
Nessablisszz12mo ago
My advice would be do what you can and times might take on!
DaiByDay12mo ago
I'll say be consistent in your own way, don't give up even if youre not seeing the results you want to see. Tunnel vision if you dont have any viewers in your stream, continue on like you do keep the energy up
freegaminbud11mo ago
My advice that kinda help me grow a little was just talk. If someone joins your stream and you are just sitting there in silence it kinda deters them. People love interaction. Even if there is no one watching, always act like there is. It also gives you some practice for when people do watch.
kungfuchuck11mo ago
What's up my friends