TypeScript ESLint errors on deploying to Vercel but not in local environment

Hey! Hope you are doing great I'm seeing these errors on the building phase when deploying to Vercel (screenshot attached). But I can successfully build on my local environment (screenshot attached). Also, I'm not seeing any error on my code, I'm using VS Code with ESLint extension. I have researched quite a bit but couldn't find a solution yet. Does anyone have experience with this issue and can point me in the right direction? Thanks!
errors on the building phase when deploying to Vercel
successfully build on my local environment
6 Replies
Oscar T.
Oscar T.•12mo ago
I'm still stuck with this, does anyone have any ideas? An update on this one, I haven't seen the errors again... will see 😅
Melvyn•12mo ago
@oscartorres10 I can help you if you still facing the issue
Oscar T.
Oscar T.•12mo ago
Thanks @mwmelvin! At the moment no, but will let you know if it resurfaces
joelwoolhead•12mo ago
I have the same and new to eslint, how did you fix it?
Melvyn•12mo ago
just dm me you too if you're facing the same
Oscar T.
Oscar T.•12mo ago
Literally did nothing. Just posponed that deploy and continued the development of the project and then the deploys started succeding 😅