How do I stop a trpc query from running when a parameter is null?

In this example, since the TRPC procedure only accepts productId as a string that's not nullable, I still get a type error for productId.
export const useStockByProductId = (productId: string | null) => {
return api.stock.getStockByProductId.useQuery(
enabled: productId !== null,
export const useStockByProductId = (productId: string | null) => {
return api.stock.getStockByProductId.useQuery(
enabled: productId !== null,
Do I just update this to
export const useStockByProductId = (productId: string | null) => {
return api.stock.getStockByProductId.useQuery(
productId: productId ?? "", // Seems like I'm hacking around TypeScript...
enabled: productId !== null,
export const useStockByProductId = (productId: string | null) => {
return api.stock.getStockByProductId.useQuery(
productId: productId ?? "", // Seems like I'm hacking around TypeScript...
enabled: productId !== null,
3 Replies
DYELbrah12mo ago
Current type error
Brendonovich12mo ago
you can't really, if you've got the enabled there the best u can do is to use ! to force a non-null value
DYELbrah12mo ago
Oh dang Interesting Thanks again Brendonovich!
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