How to handle getSession delay on client components with NextAuth?

Hey all. So with next auth, there seems to be a delay every time the getSession hook is used to make a request, which isn’t a big deal but can be a bit cumbersome when conditionally performing actions based on login state. Wondering what people are doing to get around this, I’m considering using server components as well as storing the session object in global state and revalidating whenever necessary. Any other thoughts on how to handle this?
27 Replies
bakdaddy12mo ago
why not use a hook? useSession? as you are doing it client side I think it may be easier
dylz112mo ago
@bakdaddy i'm using the useSession hook, but there's a ~1 second delay before the data is retrieved
bakdaddy12mo ago
Do you use prisma adapter? Maybe the db call is the bottleneck
dylz112mo ago
@bakdaddy funny enough, i just tried switching to JWT and it seems to eliminate the slow down. Almost all of my components are client side so makes much more sense to store the session locally with JWT thanks for the help, marking resolved
bakdaddy12mo ago
Yeah, that seems to be the bottleneck, maybe dbadapter is too slow
dylz112mo ago
Well i'm not running my db locally, so i think its just a latency thing
bakdaddy12mo ago
Jwt strategy doesn't involve DBs, so there you go
dylz112mo ago
bakdaddy12mo ago
HMU I you have more questions, happy to help
dylz112mo ago
@bakdaddy So even though it is much quicker, the session is still undefined on initial render. Here's the code export default function ResultsPage() { const { data: sessionData } = useSession() console.log(sessionData) return 'test' }
bakdaddy12mo ago
Yeah, it's cause it can be not authenticated Do like this useSession({required: true})
dylz112mo ago
the session is being fetched correctly, just undefined initially
bakdaddy12mo ago
Or you can conditionally do something like if(!session) return <p>Not authorised</p>
dylz112mo ago
bakdaddy12mo ago
Try passing required true object to useSession as a parameter
dylz112mo ago
still no luck
bakdaddy12mo ago
Sorry, using mobile so slow typing Let me get on my laptop, one sec
dylz112mo ago
no worries even if i wrap in a useEffect, still gonna be undefined initially
bakdaddy12mo ago
Don't, hooks usually don't go inside useeffect
dylz112mo ago
i just mean console logging the value from the hook not the actual hook
bakdaddy12mo ago
Sure, got it, almost booted my laptop Dang it Discord is updating...
dylz112mo ago
Is this expected behavior? I can always just store user data in global state, but kinda defeats the purpose of the useSession hook
dylz112mo ago
so looks like the status is loading when its undefined
dylz112mo ago
seems to always be loading state initially before it is authenticated, even when using JWT
bakdaddy12mo ago
I think its because it's getting/loading the session either try const {session} = useSession({required: true}) or const {session} = useSession(); if (!session) return <p>Loading session...</p> console.log(session) useSession() returns an object containing two values: data and status: data: This can be three values: Session / undefined / null. when the session hasn't been fetched yet, data will be undefined in case it failed to retrieve the session, data will be null in case of success, data will be Session. status: enum mapping to three possible session states: "loading" | "authenticated" | "unauthenticated" thats from docs
dylz112mo ago
yeah i think this is expected behavior then
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