How to scroll to section when it have image with dynamic height?

In the first access page, I want the page will be smooth scroll to the second section (my current logic is using react-scroll). In case each section have image, the scroll will stop somewhere between section 1 and 2. I think the image is not loaded yet. But from the second access, the scroll goes to the exact position I expect. You can try the code at this link: Tks for spending time to read my post.
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4 Replies
croganm12mo ago
I'm not quite understanding what your issue is
krix201912mo ago
You can watch the issue in the video I attached
Kevin Powell
Kevin Powell12mo ago
Could you not just use an anchor link for this instead?
<a href="#section-1">Go to section one</a>
<a href="#section-1">Go to section one</a>
html {
scroll-behavior: smooth;
html {
scroll-behavior: smooth;
croganm12mo ago
I mean it seems to work as intended. Like Kevin said, you could avoid JS all together if you're just scrolling to sections