Prerequisites for BSD

What are the prerequisites required for BSD? I tried searching this on Seneca's website but couldn't find anything. I've got 5 months till my course starts. Is there anything else I can do in this time that would make college easier for me later on?
10 Replies
Sirinoks12mo ago
To get in, I think you just need an english test/proof of proficiency. You'll start with C and unix. Then C++ and JS. I'd recommend getting familiar with C or JS and main coding structures. However, you will get taught all you need in classes. First 3 semesters will go pretty quick and strong though, so some practice won't hurt
Rust12mo ago
I've already gotten in. I meant like the mathematical prerequisites (calculus/algebra/trigonometry etc). What level of mathematics should I know for this program? Is there a certain playlist you can recommend which can help me revise all the necessary mathematical topics that I need to know? I'm currently learning python. Should I continue that or should I start with C/JS?
Sirinoks12mo ago
There's pretty much no math. There is basic +- */ stuff in accounting courses. In 5-6th semester there's an algorithms class - you need to know how to do log. That's basically it
Rust12mo ago
So I wouldn't need any kind of calculus or any other math that I learnt in highschool? No differentiation or integration? No permutation and combination? No trigonometry?
Sirinoks12mo ago
The might have changed the program and added a math class - but as far as I know, nope I'll check, actually.
Rust12mo ago
Damn, that's kinda relieving to hear
Sirinoks12mo ago
Looks like they have added one and one for statistics Vectors, matrices.. yea, that's the most complex thing I see in here
Rust12mo ago
I know their basics, is that enough?
Sirinoks12mo ago
I think so, but keep in mind - I didn't take that class. It didn't exist when I was studying
Rust12mo ago
Yeah, that's okay. I'm just happy I won't be dealing with calculus or any of that crap anymore lol Thanks for helping!