drizzle studio is not working

I am trying to open drizzle studio but it is giving me error can anyone tell my how to fix it? drizzle config:-
import type { Config } from "drizzle-kit";

export default {
schema: "./lib/db/schema.ts",
out: "./lib/db/migrations",
driver: "mysql2",

dbCredentials: { connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL as string },
breakpoints: true,
} satisfies Config;
import type { Config } from "drizzle-kit";

export default {
schema: "./lib/db/schema.ts",
out: "./lib/db/migrations",
driver: "mysql2",

dbCredentials: { connectionString: process.env.DATABASE_URL as string },
breakpoints: true,
} satisfies Config;
package.json "drizzle-kit": "^0.19.3", "drizzle-orm": "^0.27.0", error:- "mysql2" is not a valid driver. Available drivers: "pg", "mysql2", "better-sqlite", "libsql", "turso". You can read more about drizzle.config: https://orm.drizzle.team/kit-docs/config-reference
4 Replies
pradeep12mo ago
tsconfig.json "target": "es6", i am still having this issue can anyone help please?
Andrii Sherman
Andrii Sherman12mo ago
Please make sure you have drizzle.config in the same path you are executing studio command Alternatively you can specify a path to config, using —config
pradeep12mo ago
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pradeep12mo ago
can you please check i think i am executing command in same path as drizzle.config.ts
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