Novu12mo ago

Notification center

Hii, I have been using novu for some time. Have observed a strange behaviour in angular. 1.Sometimes mark as read functionality (in case of multiple notifications) does not work properly in angular.When clicked on it, notification count does not change and message changes to read status. 2.If i click on the message, the notification count does not change.This happens occasionally. On the console, i get the following warning: flushSync was called from inside a lifecycle method.React cannot flush when React is rendering.Consider moving this to a scheduler task or micro task.(from react-dom.development.js) If i refresh my app, it works fine but in real time I'm observing this scenario . Using angular : 15.2.0
6 Replies
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain12mo ago
Hi @cyberjunkie Is your issue similar to this github issue? https://github.com/novuhq/novu/issues/3678
sr-2612mo ago
Hii @Pawan Jain, The warning generated is same but the cases are different.
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain12mo ago
If you are self hosting, are you using latest version?
sr-2612mo ago
The warnings are generated in cloud version @Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain12mo ago
Okay. Thanks for update As per above github issue author and my few days ago conversation I remember it was mantine issue
sr-2612mo ago
Yes I think so. Its a warning but I can't be sure whether it's disturbing any other functionalities.