Shrinking leather jacket?

I want to shrink my leather jacket, as its just a little bit too big to be comfortable, but I've been told over and over how machine washing will destroy my jacket, has anyone else shrunk a jacket on purpose in the dryer, does it have decent results?
26 Replies
TheComebackKid•12mo ago
I would listen to the people telling you over and over not to try it
tun🌻•12mo ago
Don't do it
Bonnacon•12mo ago
If you're not gonna wear it and you're not gonna sell it, do it
Spaaaaaaaaaaaace•12mo ago
You can theoretically get it tailored. It’s probably not worth the money though.
kyoko•12mo ago
Do not do this. But if you do, post what happens in here
Clara•12mo ago
its not a super fancy one, getting it taylored would cost more than the jacket thing is most warnings describe that it will shrink, when that's exactly what I want to happen They've also mentioned texture change, which dosen't matter too much to me as long as it stays mostly black
kyoko•12mo ago
It will look bad
Nayyyyy•12mo ago
there is no way of knowing how/where it will shrink. if you do this, the outcome is an unknown. you personally need to be ok risking it. that included wasting money and mental energy on a disaster. rather than cutting your loses and getting it tailored / saving up and buying something else which actually fits
kyoko•12mo ago
You said it's just a little bit too big, the chances of it shrinking exactly how you want is so miniscule
Clara•12mo ago
I'm into a very punk/death metal aesthetic even if its worn and cracked I wouldnt care, (honestly it'd look sick) I more just mean I dont want it to turn light brown. I mean thats why I'm asking if I should bother This wasn't a super expensive jacket, I've had it for years, and I'm not really happy with the current fit If this ruins it, its not a big deal in the long run, I just want to know if I'm absolutely just wasting my time here is all. Though with everyone screaming no, I'll probably not do it, I think I'm just gonna keep it as is and get a smaller fititng one maybe Ill use this one with the extra room for winter or somthing <:PES_SadShrug:646092743378206760>
BlueEyes•12mo ago
Big jacket is miles cooler than unevenly shrunken cracked leather jacket
wuz•12mo ago
old mfa user fluxknot shrunk a leather jacket
wuz•12mo ago
i think he did a longer write up about it somewhere looks very cool
BlueEyes•12mo ago
Would love to see some before pics on that One thing this reminds me is that even if you get perfect symmetrical shrinkage on seams and body the zipper isn’t gonna shrink And you’ll get that lil weeblewobble all along the lapel
Clara•12mo ago
Eh, as a woman I don't like how it widens my shoulders The irony of asking about this in a men's fashion server is not lost on me, but I figured men typically wear more real leather so id get more answers here <:PES_SadShrug:646092743378206760>
BlueEyes•12mo ago
Uno reverse card on that irony I was assuming I was answering a question for a man, but as I sent it was mostly picturing women’s looks as justifying oversized leather But that’s all subjective
Clara•12mo ago
Yeah and I've seen those oversized leather jacket looks and the only problem I have is this is thick leather Those looks always look like a thinner jacket that can kinda blow around This is an actual motorcycle jacket so it's pretty thick
jake•12mo ago
It isn't possible, and don't do it.
kyoko•12mo ago
Interesting, I've really only seen the oversized looks with more structured/thicker jackets. but you do you
BlueEyes•12mo ago
Thicker better for oversized [2]
Clara•12mo ago
Maybe I just need to look up some looks
Spaaaaaaaaaaaace•12mo ago
Post some fit pics
BlueEyes•12mo ago
kyoko•12mo ago
Last image has nip out
Clara•11mo ago
I want to thank everyone in this thread for telling me not to since I think Im going to sell it, since any way I style it just makes me feel like shit and if I had distressed it like that, it defenelty would be worth alot less lmao