Error when running `drizzle-kit push:mysql` to a Planetscale database

so after reading through the Doc's it looks like i need an SSL cert to run the push however i'm not sure how to configure that with drizzle and from what i've sceen from others they are doing it an easier way. This is the error I get when running drizzle-kit push:mysql:
> drizzle-kit push:mysql

drizzle-kit: v0.19.2
drizzle-orm: v0.27.0

No config path provided, using default 'drizzle.config.ts'
Reading config file 'G:\GitHub\Meally\apps\meally\drizzle.config.ts'
const createConnectionErr = new Error();

Error: unknown error: Code: UNAVAILABLE
server does not allow insecure connections, client must use SSL/TLS

at createConnection2 (G:\GitHub\Meally\node_modules\.pnpm\drizzle-kit@0.19.2\node_modules\drizzle-kit\index.cjs:34259:35)
at connectToMySQL (G:\GitHub\Meally\node_modules\.pnpm\drizzle-kit@0.19.2\node_modules\drizzle-kit\index.cjs:36340:60)
at Command.<anonymous> (G:\GitHub\Meally\node_modules\.pnpm\drizzle-kit@0.19.2\node_modules\drizzle-kit\index.cjs:51785:28) {
errno: 1105,
sqlState: 'HY000'
> drizzle-kit push:mysql

drizzle-kit: v0.19.2
drizzle-orm: v0.27.0

No config path provided, using default 'drizzle.config.ts'
Reading config file 'G:\GitHub\Meally\apps\meally\drizzle.config.ts'
const createConnectionErr = new Error();

Error: unknown error: Code: UNAVAILABLE
server does not allow insecure connections, client must use SSL/TLS

at createConnection2 (G:\GitHub\Meally\node_modules\.pnpm\drizzle-kit@0.19.2\node_modules\drizzle-kit\index.cjs:34259:35)
at connectToMySQL (G:\GitHub\Meally\node_modules\.pnpm\drizzle-kit@0.19.2\node_modules\drizzle-kit\index.cjs:36340:60)
at Command.<anonymous> (G:\GitHub\Meally\node_modules\.pnpm\drizzle-kit@0.19.2\node_modules\drizzle-kit\index.cjs:51785:28) {
errno: 1105,
sqlState: 'HY000'
This is my config:
import 'dotenv/config';
import type { Config } from 'drizzle-kit';
import { env } from './env.mjs';

const config: Config = {
schema: './src/db/schemas/',
out: './src/db/migrations',
driver: 'mysql2',
dbCredentials: {
connectionString: env.DATABASE_URL,


export default config;
import 'dotenv/config';
import type { Config } from 'drizzle-kit';
import { env } from './env.mjs';

const config: Config = {
schema: './src/db/schemas/',
out: './src/db/migrations',
driver: 'mysql2',
dbCredentials: {
connectionString: env.DATABASE_URL,


export default config;
Does anyone know how i an connect to Planetscale with the latest version drizzle?
6 Replies
Neto12mo ago
does your connection url ends with ssl={"rejectUnauthorized":true}? something like mysql://[[USERNAME]]:[[PASSWORD]][[DB]]?ssl={"rejectUnauthorized":true}
Eirfire12mo ago
i have this at the end of my url ?sslaccept=strict i tried removing that but i am still getting the same error
Neto12mo ago
does it end with the ssl thing?
Eirfire12mo ago
What do you mean?
Neto12mo ago
change from ?sslaccept=strict to ?ssl={"rejectUnauthorized":true}
Eirfire12mo ago
that worked thank you