Increase the distance at which non-full block get a border ?
Hello ! I'm tinkering in the settings since one hour now and i can't figure this out so i thought i'd ask here :
Basically the non full blocks, like stairs, chains, slabs, are getting a border as soon as i get away even just a few blocks (see the chains and the lantern on pic, i'm standing at 10-20 blocks from it) and i was wondering if there was any way to increase that distance so it doesnt get that border so soon ?
Thanks in advance 🙂

14 Replies
Try enabling the extended clip plane (I forget the exact config menu it is under)
Let me try that
It's already enabled ;-;
Then increase your vanilla render distance.
The higher your vanilla render distance the lesser the effect will be.
Sadly it's capped to 10-12 since i'm on a server...
So i guess it'll stay like that
Thanks anyway 🙂
In the DH Config -> Graphics -> Advanced Quality menu set vanilla overdraw to never and the overdraw offset to a number greater than zero. One or two is a good place to start.
Just tried that, does it need to update the chunk to take effect ? doesnt seems to do much at the moment
Nope it should work immediately
You can try setting it to 0 or less
(So numbers in the minus)
Gonna give it a try
Nope, same thing
Are you sure you set overdraw to never?

okay so i just accidentaly found half a response to why it's not working
While getting off-full screen, the game went in 4:3 format, and at this moment the borders are gone for way more distance
But if i put back my game to my native 5120x1440 resolution, i get it back, without moving, so maybe it's tied to resolution ?

That might be that the extended near clip plane is tied to your resolution
Well not exactly tied but I dont know how to explain it better