What about Panda CSS?

Hey there! I can't find any talk about using Panda CSS over Tailwind on this Discord. I would like to have different opinions (especially from people with CSS skills) about it, I just started using it on a personal project with Next.js and I find its integration with TS awesome. Theo's recent video about Tailwind is not talking about this kind of solution. https://panda-css.com
Panda CSS - Build modern websites using build time and type-safe CS...
Build modern websites using build time and type-safe CSS-in-JS
Neto311d ago
what there is to talk?
Endgame1013311d ago
Thanks for sharing, this looks pretty dope. I'm personally a big fan of Tailwind, but having typesafe styles seems nice.
Neto311d ago
how different is from css in js? From the endless list of CSS-in-JS libraries, why should you choose Panda? yeah, its more of the same running a separate process to generate the css is also something
Benjamin311d ago
I was recently discussing about Tailwind with a coworker with 15 years XP in CSS (used to work for a big tech company), he has a bad opinion about it and recommended using Panda CSS since I am as enthusiastic about type safety as he is. The huge difference is that Panda respects semantic instead of utility, and also adopts the W3C design token specification.
barry311d ago
Absolutely hate it Tailwind was simple, short and concise, that goes right out the window with this, i don’t need type safe css classes
Neto311d ago
remix does have issues with tailwind to this day because you can only run with parallel processes CSS-in-JS with build time generated styles what does it solve that tailwind does not?
Benjamin311d ago
His points against Tailwind were: - Lack of maintainability - Lack of semantic = harder to integrate the design (CSS is designed for semantic) - More sense to build your style along your JSX component with a clear style tree
Neto311d ago
Benjamin311d ago
I don't have a workbench comparing the different solutions, it's probable that it's faster, I don't know.
Endgame1013311d ago
@Hildimar all this boils down to is personal opinion, but I will say that my company has built several projects using Tailwind and maintainability has never been a major concern.
Neto311d ago
barry311d ago
Lack of maintainability? What
Neto311d ago
im out
Benjamin311d ago
My experience: I used Styled component, and I liked semantic a lot, but it was a nightmare to create a design system. I got used to Tailwind but still feel frustrated about hacking the principle, really got seduced by the lack of need for building a DS from scratch. I don't really share this opinion, I guess he doesn't take into account creating reusable components with specified class names.
Endgame1013311d ago
I'd argue to adopt Tailwind you also have to adopt their best practices and such. If you're trying to use Tailwind for non-Tailwind practices then I think you're going to get frustrated quickly. But it's all opinions, really. Like I said, I've been using Tailwind for a while and never felt the need to change. It just works.
Benjamin299d ago
Jack Herrington
Panda: RSC Ready Enterprise Grade CSS!
To try everything Brilliant has to offer—free—for a full 30 days, visit https://brilliant.org/JackHerrington/ . The first 200 of you will get 20% off Brilliant’s annual premium subscription. Code: https://github.com/jherr/barbenheimer Tailwind2Panda: https://tw2panda-astahmer.vercel.app/ tw2panda-cli: https://www.npmjs.com/package/tw2panda-cli ...
Endgame1013298d ago
Dude! I saw this pop up on my feed earlier and immediately thought about your post LOL!
Finn297d ago
When you have to turn of prettier to make your lib more readable skull1
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