Warm today...

4 hours into a print, this eror stopped the show...Never got this one, 21°C in the room, the Z steppers do not work much, I am not using Z-hop. Funny enough, was kind of expecting actually one of the XY steppers to overheat (running @50V, not cooled) and not the Z steppers... What do you think, what can I do such that this will not happen? Is there anything to adjust?
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12 Replies
metropolitan-bronze11mo ago
even if they are not moving, holding the bed means they are energised and will heat up you really need cooling
D!NU11mo ago
how to cool them?
metropolitan-bronze11mo ago
you need a fan to blow air over the steppers, i believe the error is the step stick itself overheating
D!NU11mo ago
I do have a fan keeping the Octopus and raspi cool....actually two big 120mm fans, PID-controlled to 30°C 😉
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metropolitan-bronze11mo ago
shouldn't be a problem then, though that doesn't read the stepstick temperature it doesn't take much, but since it might be a bit warmer ambient today, it might be enough to cause an issue you can kinda test this by feeling the heatsinks on the stepsticks, if it's so warm that it becomes uncomfortable / hurts, in my experience it means you are closing in on a thermal shutdown
D!NU11mo ago
I think I know what happened: the three Z drivers are where the red marking is....
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D!NU11mo ago
What failed is the Z1....if the order is Z, Z1, Z2 then the Z1 is in the middle, marked with yellow So probably not getting enough airflow to properly cool down 😬
metropolitan-bronze11mo ago
that could be it LUL
I doubt that with 2 120mm fans so close to them I only have a single 120mm fan and it is more than enough to cool the drivers for me
D!NU11mo ago
This happened after I lowered the target temp from 30° to 25° Instead of the RPM of the fans to go up, it went down... So I think I misconfigured them, I might need a ^ somewhere 😅 Will not touch the target temp from now before I fix the config
Yeah I just have mine connected to always on port. It is a noctua so it is quiet so I don't care if it is on all the time
D!NU11mo ago
well, this is why I wanted mine PID-controlled, to improve their lifecycle by not having to spin at full speed 😉