Open Brush Eye Tracking

Hi all I'm testing if I can use the openbrush environment for a research project. I need eye-tracking data, so I'm using a pico neo 3 pro eye as a VR headset. Usually you need to adapt the XR origin to get started. I'm kinda lost on how to look at the XR origin in OpenBrush. Am I correct stating that the camera and the controllers are separated? Can this be replaced by one standard XR origin, or are there too many things relying on each other?
2 Replies
mikeskyβ€’11mo ago
Wow, sounds like a great project! We'd love to see the results or a PR when complete, if possible πŸ™‚ We do use XR origin, it's on Viewpoint -> VrSystem Because Tilt/Open Brush was designed in the early days, it didn't use to have this, and controller logic and models is spawned independently. These are prefabs located at Assets\Prefabs\VrSystems\VrControllers\UnityXR which have the tracked device scripts on them individually. It probably can be reworked but it's a larger job to change over, so we've left it in the backlog for now πŸ™‚ So once the app is running, it does effectively work like a standard XR origin
peaceful cow
peaceful cowβ€’11mo ago
The PR we'll show for sure πŸ™‚ Ok You got me going with the info. I've had to find out that to be able to use eyetracking with Pico I had to adapt the scipt define symbols (PICO_SUPPORTED). Also, the default way of adding eye-tracking from Tobii is by inserting an initializer prefab. This doesn't seem to work, I'm assuming because of the way things get initialized. As a temp solution I'm starting the Tobii framework manually from within the vrsdk script (in onstart). Not for now, yet I would like to be able to be compatible with the original openbrush branch, so I'm gonna have to dig some more to stay out of that vrsdk script πŸ™‚ Thanks already!