Is there a way in Novu to stop sending the same email more than once to subscribers?

If the email gets triggers twice can I stop it from being delivered to subscribers if they have already received the same email.
6 Replies
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain11mo ago
hi @kumar_ujjawal Only way is to cancel the triggered event
Cancel triggered event - Novu API Reference
Using a previously generated transactionId during the event trigger, will cancel any active or pending workflows. This is useful to cancel active digests, delays etc...
absalom_absalom11mo ago
Thank you!
madd11mo ago
@Pawan Jain @dimagrossman @paweltymczuk @galiainouz @pablo.fernandez.otero @george.d There is any plans for something like idempotencyKey for trigger?
Dima Grossman
Dima Grossman11mo ago
A similiar behaviour could be used with passing a custom "transactionId" key when triggering. Novu performs a check for duplicate transaction id prior to executing a trigger. Let me know if that will help
madd11mo ago
What is scope of transactionId uniqueness? Envrionment? Organization? Whole system?
george.d11mo ago
It is on Environment Level.