How do you prioritize what to build first when building a page/app?

I'm starting the admin dashboard challenge on The Odin Project ( and I'm curious what devs more senior than myself (literally anyone) would prioritize when building. I look at the design file they provide on the link above and I think, ok, I need to figure out how to build the overall layout here, so a blank page, with the left navbar first, then I need to add the header bar, then I need to add the project, then the announcements & trending. It still looks quite daunting when broken down, because I know as soon as I start, it's going to be an almighty battle making sure everything A) fits how I want it and B) doesn't mess up how other elements fit onto the page.
Project: Admin Dashboard | The Odin Project
The Odin Project empowers aspiring web developers to learn together for free
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