can someone help me with how to set responsive wallpaper to match the current window size?

Good afternoon everyone, I was just needing help with setting wallpaper to change size according to the size of the window #html-and-css
6 Replies
Jochem11mo ago
do you mean the background image on the body tag or some other tag?
Developer3311mo ago
yea the body tag. I just want to know to make the wallpaper responsive to any size screen. you know how you can use rem , em relative measurements. thanks
Jochem11mo ago
em and rem are not relative to screen size, just font size This should be what you want
Developer3311mo ago
Oh thanks
Tok124 (CSS Nerd)
You can also do this
html, body {
min-height: 100%;

body {
background: url(// center / cover no-repeat;
html, body {
min-height: 100%;

body {
background: url(// center / cover no-repeat;
Developer3311mo ago
Thanks for all the help. Happy Coding