What's a good way to dress using loosely unbuttoned dress shirts?

A few friends of mine dress well (imo) using light colored dress shirts that are unbuttoned at the top and rolled up at the sleeves. How would you create an outfit like so?
24 Replies
theodinspire11mo ago
how formal or casual do you want it? You could do trousers, chinos, shorts (though I'd pick a dressier short)—even jeans might pass muster for this. Toss on a sweater vest, maybe, if you're cold
Bigelow11mo ago
You probably want to do this with a casual button front shirt, not a dress shirt.
theodinspire11mo ago
which to the lay person might be confused for the same thing
secretjuice911mo ago
i would say more on the casual side. what are some good color combinations?
theodinspire11mo ago
what colors do you like
secretjuice911mo ago
for sure. is UNIQLO a good option for such? i tend to wear lighter colors better like sky blue or white, given that my skin is on the tanner side
Bigelow11mo ago
of course uniqlo
theodinspire11mo ago
for lighter color shirts, especially light blues and whites, I like olive green, middle blue, middle grey for the pants. Navy, charcoal and light grey usually do well too if you're adventurous mustard or red
secretjuice911mo ago
cool, appreciate the help. as for the collared shirt, i'm assuming a long sleeve with the sleeves rolled up works best? and a standard collared shirt with nothing on it?
theodinspire11mo ago
for a rolled up look, it helps if the sleeves are rolled up 😅
secretjuice911mo ago
what's another good brand that won't break the bank? i used to wear some Theory, J Crew, Banana Republic, etc i see. what do you do with cuffs?
theodinspire11mo ago
Two ways that I roll sleeves: 1. roll them 2-3 times, using the cuff as a guide for how big the rolls should be 2. roll the cuff back, pull it all the way above the elbow, roll the rest of the sleeve up over the cuff to keep it in place/free up the arm
secretjuice911mo ago
hmm im not sure if im drawing the right picture in my head
theodinspire11mo ago
plain collar is fine, button down is less formal. softer or more textured fabrics are good for solids, checks are great for casual
Fission11mo ago
There are like 8000 ways of doing it, but for a relaxed above elbow roll the jfk one is what I do https://images.app.goo.gl/r1fqikXDiCbrLe7s8
Fission11mo ago
Ah there we go infographic Couldn't find the one I used 😭
theodinspire11mo ago
my No 1 is the "casual forearm", No 2 is the "Master/Italian"
secretjuice911mo ago
oh thank you! I really appreciate your guys' help. Will go to the store and try a few things out by the way are chinos the go-to for pants?
theodinspire11mo ago
they're like thee casual pant that's not jeans I'm not the biggest fan of them, personally, but that's really just personal taste
secretjuice911mo ago
yea i have a pair or two of chinos, haven't really tried jeans with collared shirts oh okay what other types would work well?
theodinspire11mo ago
trousers? ghurkas are cool, but possibly a higher fashion level than you're looking for
secretjuice911mo ago
ahh I see
theodinspire11mo ago
to some degree pants is pants I'm American, I don't know how that translates to Commonwealth