GH Licences & Perms

hey, uhh-- would I be allowed to copy & paste their stuff to my discord bot, and modify/change it to be my own/unique-ish, and use that as my own coding, if a prox vc thing has this, on github?...
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11 Replies
Xlade11mo ago
ik ur an expert w/ github, so, imma ping you... sorry in advance--lmao @ProbablyRaging
probablyraging11mo ago
I'm not a lawyer, but the way I understand this license is, you're allowed to use/modify the source code as mentioned in the permissions, but then you also need to use the same license in your own project. So yeah, you're free to use and modify snippets of code from the project with this license, but then you need to offer the same to others
Xlade11mo ago
sweet, kk i'll just include a readme for the bot, and include a readme cmd... that should do, right?... i can just copy the license from here:
Xlade11mo ago
i don't wanna deal w/ gh, though... lol rn it's in vscode idk how to get npm or node on gh
probablyraging11mo ago
Well if you're not making the project public just yet, then you don't need to do the licensing stuff, just wait until it is I guess
Xlade11mo ago
well i have the bot in my sevrver, already, lol discord server, i mean
probablyraging11mo ago
Is the bot still being developed?
Xlade11mo ago
is that public? uhhh yeah? lol nowhere close to done
probablyraging11mo ago
Then wait until it's "production" ready
Xlade11mo ago
XD kk ty