
Hi I realise this the problem I have is to set the correct animation-delay what I want is : first: the div .left and .right slidedown second:the white cover slideUp after I try to set it BUT I don't get what I'm expected. can I can get some idea ? thanks by advance
3 Replies
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson11mo ago
You have some strange animation delay settings. “animation-delay” take just one value - time. For your slideup animations all you need to do is sum up the duration of the slide down animation animation + any delay that it has and use the result as your slide up delay.
Tok124 (CSS Nerd)
you're missing "s" here. Should be 1.9s
Chris Bolson
Chris Bolson11mo ago
You might also find this easier if you used css custom properties. This way you could just define the initial duration and delay and make the secondary animation calculation calculate itself automatically using these custom properties.