link App to Widget
Need a quick pointer. I have the dashboard up, and can launch my websites (as apps), but how do you link the widgets to the sites?
PiHole, have the App set up, with the API key in the APP, then add the widget but no statistic? I do not see how to link the widget to the APP. Like wise for SABnzbD etc.
11 Replies
Hi, thanks for the post.
For the record: I deleted your message in #👀・show-off .
Each app can be set to one integration.
To do that, please edit the app and click on the integration tab.
Make sure to enter the data that will be asked on that page.
After that, the widgets should start populating with data. If they don't, you can force them to refresh by clearing the cache in the Homarr settings.
All widgets, integrations and apps are documented on, including your original question. Please make sure to read through it carefully 🙂
Thank You - that should get me running.
No problem. If you still have trouble, feel free to ask!
The CLEAR CACHE was the ticket!
So your widgets work now?
yes. PLEX, PiHole, working on putting FlightAware via PiAware into an iFRAME... rocking ty
not 'show off' but working
Very nice! Feel free to post this in #👀・show-off
I think the flight map is pretty cool
a bit more work, and it will be. Thank You again, the clear cache was the missing link. This is real cool.
I am looking forward to see yours in #👀・show-off