[Errno 13] Permission denied: 'eslint-patch'

Trying to fix this...soft and hard recovery do not work. I get the above error in title. [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'eslint-patch' Suggestions?
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12 Replies
miklschmidt11mo ago
Probably corrupted sd card. Remember to shut down your pi through mainsail before turning off power. Please try:
ssh pi@ratos.local
cd ~/ratos-configurator
git status
ssh pi@ratos.local
cd ~/ratos-configurator
git status
and paste the output
batteau6211mo ago
I'm not exactly sure how to make this connection? I've tried Putty but there is no "RatOS" network like when I flashed the card?
check what the IP address is in your router
batteau6211mo ago
I'm not exactly sure how to make this connection? I've tried Putty but there is no "RatOS" network like when I flashed the card?
batteau6211mo ago
No description
replace ratos.local with the IP address of your pi
batteau6211mo ago
pi@ratos:~/ratos-configurator $ git status On branch v2.x-deployment error: object file .git/objects/c5/b78c0297be3f0bcf8821d43fc4c31006235aaa is emp ty error: object file .git/objects/c5/b78c0297be3f0bcf8821d43fc4c31006235aaa is emp ty fatal: loose object c5b78c0297be3f0bcf8821d43fc4c31006235aaa (stored in .git/obj ects/c5/b78c0297be3f0bcf8821d43fc4c31006235aaa) is corrupt pi@ratos:~/ratos-configurator $
It is unusual for the git repo to become corrupt. That happens when you power off the pi incorrectly or your SD card is beginning to fail
batteau6211mo ago
So, reflash the card? or a new one...?
I would get a new SD card, reflash rat-os, and be sure to use the mainsail interface to cleanly shutdown the PI
batteau6211mo ago
Will do...thanks for all the help