GitHub integration not working

Hey there, I would like to start deploying on CloudFlare Pages a new project we are working on a NuxtLabs, but it seems I cannot use the git integration for it. I tried to uninstall and re-install at least 5 times, but still, nuxtlabs org does not appear 😦
14 Replies
bllchmbrsβ€’11mo ago
This is happening for me too. I grant access, but I still can't actually create a cloudflare page. It just takes me to the configuration for the integration (which is approved and there's nothing to change or grant further on the github side). @atinux , did you find a resolution? I'm very blocked by this issue.
BKtheInfamousβ€’11mo ago
same problem here.
Atinuxβ€’11mo ago
No still waiting for a fix from CloudFlare 😦
AlphaCentauriβ€’11mo ago
Same issue 😬
BKtheInfamousβ€’11mo ago
yeah I just went to a different service to deploy and it literally took me 30 seconds to deploy cloud flare just losing users by having their stuff nonfunctional so their loss πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
withered.flowersβ€’11mo ago
Same problem here, I thought my github account was blocked or something, but there's no error etc etc here, no resolution yet.
BKtheInfamousβ€’11mo ago
just went to a different service and deployed instantly, L for cloudflsre today unfortunately
Walshyβ€’11mo ago
@bktheinfamous @AlphaCentauri @atinux @bllchmbrs This should now bw resolved, let us know if it isn't πŸ™‚ Note that:
If you unsuccessfully attempted to add a GitHub account during the timeframe of this incident please uninstall GitHub on and reinstall through the Cloudflare dashboard by clicking "Add account" upon project creation.
Atinuxβ€’11mo ago
Same issue
Atinuxβ€’11mo ago
Atinuxβ€’11mo ago
Neveming, went with Google Chrome and worked πŸ‘Œ Arc browser seemed to be the issue
bllchmbrsβ€’11mo ago
I had to uninstall and reinstall the cloudflare integration.
BKtheInfamousβ€’11mo ago
same once i did it was fine
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