Short circuit protection buzzer goes on when moving motors
Wiring is like in the ratos documentation on the btt octopus pro with tmc 5160 on 24v
9 Replies
how did you do the jumpers under it
What do mean under it
you cant use the same jumpers as a 2209
the 5160 is different
I have spi as instructed in ratos docs
But even if i move any z motor which are all tmc2209 the buzzer goes on
do you have them like the one in the top or bottom
No do all have be then on spi mode?
I just have the tmc5160 on spi is that the problem
no only the 5160's
ok so not that
when you home the x and y the buzzer goes off
No,if i command any movement on any motor doesnt matter which on the bizzer goes on