Prettier is removing space between two jsx elements

how i should configure prettier to have a space between two jsx elements:
Output while saving with prettier
<h1>Lorem Ispum</h1>
<h1>Lorem Ispum</h1>

Output while saving with prettier
<h1>Lorem Ispum</h1>
<h1>Lorem Ispum</h1>

Expected Output while saving with prettier
<h1>Lorem Ispum</h1>

// space
<h1>Lorem Ispum</h1>

Expected Output while saving with prettier
<h1>Lorem Ispum</h1>

// space
<h1>Lorem Ispum</h1>

6 Replies
dysbulic ๐Ÿ™
dysbulic ๐Ÿ™โ€ข11mo ago
Prettier is "intentionally opinionated" & "minimally configurable". is what you can change. You're not going to get the fine-grained control you seek. (The space is ignored when the HTML is parsed, so there's no problems with removing it other than the appearance of your text.)
Options ยท Prettier
Prettier ships with a handful of format options.
Pratik chauhan
Pratik chauhanโ€ข11mo ago
is there any another way?? i have seen some open source project where prettier is configured and there is space between two jsx element
dysbulic ๐Ÿ™
dysbulic ๐Ÿ™โ€ข11mo ago tells you where you can put the config.
Configuration File ยท Prettier
Prettier uses cosmiconfig for configuration file support. This means you can configure Prettier via (in order of precedence):
Pratik chauhan
Pratik chauhanโ€ข11mo ago
I have added this configuration still not working
Kubaโ€ข11mo ago
If you can find one of these projects then surely post a link. If they're using prettier then we can look at the config and figure out how they've done it